The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN)

The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN)


  1. Will the “The Compliance & Ethics Workshop” as well as the “ICSAN 2024 Annual Conference and Dinner” attract some CPE credit points and certificate to evidence attendance and if YES, how much does each attract respectively.
    I am not yet a member but l need to have the response and feedback to decide if to register and pay for both or either of the two conferences/workshops.

  2. As an undergraduate student of public administration how can I register, or do I need to finish my degree first. …
    Second what is the tuition fee??

    1. Dear Ubon,

      There is no need to finish before initiating your membership process with the Institute, please visit student menu and process under Foundation, to enrollee for student membership.

      Should you have further information, please contact 08052092088. Thank you

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